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Amber Church


1st Dan Black Belt in USA
1st Class Brown Belt in White Dragons of Bushido
Yellow Belt in American Kenpo

Member since:
November 1998

Martial Arts history:
There were a couple of factors of why I started my martial arts training. The top 3 were to have fun, keep in shape, and to lean some self defense. I remember my instructor talking about developing more discipline, coordination, and self esteem. All I thought was "ya ya whatever." Well since I've begun my martial arts, the things I've learned the most about karate is it's a life changing thing. If you have an open heart and mind, it will help you become a better person. I have learned how to love more, how to teach, how to be a better friend, and overall to be a better person. I've also developed more self discipline and esteem along with patience which help me in my everyday life. If I were to tell you things about martial arts it would be that it's not all about kicks and punches; it's about a mind set, a way of thinking (at all times). This in return makes it a life long learning process.

White Belt   White Dragons of Bushido
Green Belt July 9, 1999 White Dragons of Bushido
2nd Class Brown Belt March 25, 2000 White Dragons of Bushido
1st Class Brown Belt July 27, 2000 White Dragons of Bushido
White Belt   American Kenpo
Yellow Belt May 24, 2003 American Kenpo

About me:
I like to dance, run, and visit Yellowstone National Park.





Last Update: 5/02/03
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