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Basic terminology
(in order of importance)

Shi-han (shee-hahn) Master, Instructor to all Black Belts in a system.
Sensei (sen-say) Instructor or teacher.
Dojo (doh-joh) Workout area/room.
Domo Arregato (doh-moh ah-ree-ga-toh) Thank you very much.
Obi (oh-bee) Belt.
Tatami (tah-tah-mee) Workout mat/floor.
Hajima (hah-ji-may) Begin.
Yame (yah-may) Stop.
Samurai (sahm-oo-rei) Warrior: One who serves to the fullest - without question.
Ju Jitsu (joo-jhit-soo) A form of fighting used by Samurai.
Kobodu (koh-boo-doh) Weapons.
Shuto (shoo-toh) Knife edge or hand strike.
Katana (kah-tah-nah) Long sword.


  Korean Terminology
(in order of importance)

Yea Eue, Yea Ee Etiquette
Juhng Jah Kneel
Soo Ryuhn Practice
Cha Ryuht Attention
Kyung Neh Bow
Joon Bee Ready
Bah Roh At Ease
Soom She Ki Breathing
She Uh Rest
Geu Mahn Stop
Geut Finish
Doh Bohk Martial Arts Uniform
Di Belt
Eue Bohk Clothes
Jah Seh Stances
Kong Kyuk Jah Seh Offensive Stance or left guarding stance
Bahng Uh Jah Seh Defensive Stance or right guarding stance
Ki Mah Jah Seh Horse Riding Stance
Juhn Gool Jah Seh

Long Stance or bent leg front leg stance

Bub Law (principle)
Nak Bub Falling principle
Ki Cho Jah Ki "Ki" Breathing excercises
Um Yahng Equal but opposite forces
Maek Pressure point
Ki Hahp Martial arts yell
Soo Technique (hand)
Ki Cho Foundation level
Ki Bohn Foundational level
Cho Geup Elementary level
Joong Geup Intermediate level
Goh Geup Advanced intermediate level





Last Update: 5/02/03
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