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All knowledge, is ultimately, self knowledge. – Bruce Lee Martial Arts Information: Left Menu
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(First Cause)


1. Japanese Fighting Bow
2. Draw left hand to right ear, Right Downward Block.
3. Step to Left Forward  Stance to 9 o'clock, Left Downward Block.
4. C-Step to Right Forward Stance and Right Punch.
5. Draw right hand to left ear, Left Downward Block.
6. Step to a Right Forward Stance to 3 o'clock and Right downward Block.
7. C-Step to Left Forward Stance and Left Punch.
8. Draw left hand to right ear, stepping into a Left Forward Stance facing 12 o'clock and Left Downward Block.
9.  C-Step to a Right Forward Stance and Right Punch.
10. C-Step to a Left Forward Stance and Left Punch.
11. C-Step to a Right Forward Stance and Right Punch + KIAI.
12. Draw left hand to right ear, step to Left Forward Stance to 3 o'clock and Left Downward Block.
13. Step to a Right Forward Stance and Right Punch.
14. Draw Right hand to left ear, step to a Right Forward Stance facing 9 o'clock and Right Downward Block.
15. Step to a Left Forward Stance and Left Punch.
16. Step to a Left Forward Stance facing 6 o'clock and Left Downward Block.
17. Step to a Right Forward Stance and Right Punch.
18. Step to a Left Forward Stance and Left Punch.
19. Step to a Right Forward Stance and Right Punch + KIAI.
20. Step to a Left Forward Stance facing 9 o'clock and Left Downward Block.
21. Step to a Right Forward Stance and Right Punch.
22. Turn to a Right Forward Stance facing 3 o'clock and Right Downward Block.
23. Step to a Left Forward Stance and Left Punch.
24. Step back to Fighting Bow and bow.




Kims Hemsida




Last Update: 5/02/03